SI-2, Potent inhibitor of SRC-3 (steroid receptor coactivator-3) (TBI3903)


Potent inhibitor of SRC-3 (steroid receptor coactivator-3)

SKU: TBI3903 Category:
SKUStock SIZE (mg) PriceQuantity
TBI3903-5MG Yes 5 MG $126.00
TBI3903-25MG Yes 25 MG $414.00


Product Details

Formal Name: 1-Methyl-N-[(E)-1-pyridin-2-ylethylideneamino]benzimidazole-2-amine

Molecular Formula: C15H15N5

Formula Weight: 265.30

CAS Number: 380537-35-9

Purity: >98%

Formulation: powder

Solubility: Soluble in DMSO (up to 20 mg/ml)

Storage: -20°C

Stability: ≥ 1 year.



Potent inhibitor of SRC-3 (steroid receptor coactivator-3)



Potent inhibitor of steroid receptor coactivator-3 (SRC-3). Blocks growth of MDA-MB-468 cells (IC50 = 3.4 nM) without effecting normal cells.1 It significantly inhibited breast cancer cell growth in an orthotopic MDA-MD-468 mouse model. Treatment of MCF-7 or triple negative MDA-MB-231 cells with SI-2 resulted in inhibition of proliferation and breast cancer stem cell (CSC) tumorsphere formation. CSC markers CD44+/CD24-/1o and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) were also reduced indicating that SI-2 can selectively interfere with the TIC/CSC state in breast cancer cells.


Application Procedures

First dissolved in DMSO (up to 20 mg/ml), then diluted to aqueous buffer. Solutions in DMSO may be stored at -20° for up to 1 month.

Additional information

SIZE (mg)

25 MG, 5 MG


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