Fast Genomic DNA Extraction from Cells and Tissues

Fast Genomic DNA Extraction from Cells and Tissues

Fast DNA extraction kit provides a simple and rapid method to isolate the genomic DNA from tissues or cells for PCR amplification, genotype identification, CRISPR mutation detection, and library screening. The formulated reagent is ready to use in a single reagent without other preparation. No organic extraction and alcohol precipitation is needed, and multiple samples can be easily processed simultaneously.

Fast Genomic DNA Extraction from Cells and Tissues

Related Products:

  1. Fast Genotyping System (Mouse, Rat, or Zebrafish) (TBS4033)
  2. Mouse Tail Fast DNA Extraction Kit (TBS6005)
  3. DNA Pure Magnetic Beads (DNA Size ≥100bp) (TBS9001)
  4. Exgene™ Genomic DNA Micro (118-050)

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