SKF-525A HCl, Cytochrome P450 inhibitor (TBI4050)


Cytochrome P450 inhibitor

SKU: TBI4050 Category:
SKUStock SIZE (mg) PriceQuantity
TBI4050-100MG Yes 100 MG $90.00
TBI4050-500MG Yes 500 MG $369.00


Product Details

Formal Name: N,N-Diethylaminoethyl-2,2-diphenylvalerate hydrochloride

Alternate Names: Proadifen

Molecular Formula: C23H31NO2 ∙ HCl

Formula Weight: 390.00

CAS Number: 62-68-0

Purity: >98%

Formulation: powder

Solubility: Soluble in DMSO (up to 20 mg/ml)

Storage: -20°C

Stability: ≥ 1 year.



Cytochrome P450 inhibitor



Broad-spectrum cytochrome P450 monoxygenase inhibitor that also blocks the acetylcholine receptor (IC50 = 19 µM). Inhibits nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Also inhibits glibenclamide-sensitive K+ channels (IC50 = 9.8 µM) in Xenopus oocytes. Increases inflammatory cytokine expression in Müller glial cells and inhibits the excitability of rat 5-HT neurons.


Application Procedures

First dissolved in DMSO (up to 20 mg/ml), then diluted to aqueous buffer. Solutions in DMSO may be stored at -20°C for up to 3 months.

Additional information

SIZE (mg)

500 MG, 100 MG


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