Chaetocin, Lysine methyltransferase inhibitor (TBI2404)


Lysine methyltransferase inhibitor

SKU: TBI2404 Category:
SKUStock SIZE (mg) PriceQuantity
TBI2404-200UG Yes 200 µg $81.00
TBI2404-1MG Yes 1 MG $324.00


Product Details

Formal Name: Isolated from Chaetomium species

Molecular Formula: C30H28N6O6S4

Formula Weight: 696.85

CAS Number: 28097-03-2

Purity: >98%

Formulation: powder

Solubility: Soluble in DMSO (up to 25 mg/ml) or in Ethanol (up to 25 mg/ml).

Storage: -20°C

Stability: ≥ 1 year.



Lysine methyltransferase inhibitor



Antimicrobial fungal metabolite.  Selective inhibitor of lysine specific histone methtransferase.  Antimyeloma activity which has been linked to induction of oxidative stress and subsequent apoptosis.


Application Procedures

First dissolved in DMSO (up to 25 mg/ml) or in Ethanol (up to 25 mg/ml), then diluted to aqueous buffer. Solutions in DMSO or ethanol may be stored at -20°C for up to 3 months.

Additional information

SIZE (mg)

1 MG, 200 µg


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